Communication Training

It can make or break relationships and something we do all the time, but how many of us know how to communicate skillfully?

Before I was exposed to Dr. David Burns’ Five Secrets of Effective Communication, I considered myself a pretty good communicator; after all, I did it for a living! But the ability to feel empathy didn’t translate to always being skilled at communicating it.

In fact, I often felt tongue-tied under stress or when I was upset. Learning this simple, but powerful method helped uplevel my communication skills with dramatic results in my personal and professional life. Now I have the tools to communicate with empathy and assertiveness in almost any situation.

So whether you are dealing with a difficult person in your life, have a hard time getting your message across, struggle in social situations or just want to feel closer to people in your life, this is an approach that can give you the confidence to navigate relationships in a whole new way.